
Therapeuthic massage

It is a deep massage in which the therapist will assess the best techniques and resources available individually. 

Lingam ou Yoni Massage

It is a genital oriented massage for both men and women. It consists of specific touch and maneuvers meant to awaken sensations that you have never felt, and leading to new ways of experiencing an orgasm (dry, expansive or multiple.)

Soft Massage

Highly sensual tantric massage based on gentle slow touch at the same time that you practise a focused breathing. It enhances a connection between the lower and higher parts of your body and gives rise to an array of new sensations.

Nuru Lust massage

Our exclusive massage for the most demanding and special clients. This massage was created with the desire to allow the client to enjoy their particularities. 

4 hands massage

In this Massage, the client has twice as many stimuli provided by two therapists who offer their best to make the experience unique.

Couple Massage

This massage is for couples in love who want to deepen the connection within themselves and with their loved one. This massage enables a connection between their bodies and minds by awakening their 5 senses.


Meet our Therapists and make your appointment.


A Mel é uma jovem terapeuta doce e gentil, disposta a usar todo o seu conhecimento e ferramentas para satisfazer o cliente.


Sofia our most talented masseuse, with soft skin and sweetness.


Alessandro is a focused and very sensual man, always looking to offer his best.


A Sara é muito dedicada e tem a vantagem de ser fisioterapeuta, especialista em massagem facial .


A Terapeuta Maia é muito dedicada na terapia. Meiga e carinhosa, são os pontos fortes. Marque a massagem com a Maia.


Juh é uma guia experiente em jornadas de cura sensual e espiritual. Com uma abordagem holística e respeitosa, ela levará os seus clientes a um espaço de relaxamento


A nossa terapeuta Julia, com profunda dedicação e sensibilidade, oferece sessões individualizadas para atender às suas necessidades e desejos. Independentemente de seu gênero, orientação sexual ou origem.



3 therapists willing to do their best to make the therapy meet the client's goals and desires.


Massages tipes

Our goal is to convey to our cherished clients the love and dedication that we have for the tantric world.


Clientes Satisfeitos

We will provide clients with the best therapy of their lives. We have a cozy space in the center of Albufeira.


Privatives places

With all the conditions to meet the client's goals and desires.


Here are some frequently asked questions about tantric massages:

Although tantric massage can increase sexual pleasure and intimacy, this is not a sexual service. The massage therapist will maintain professional boundaries and will focus solely on your well-being during the session.

Yes, tantric massage is generally considered safe when performed by a qualified and experienced massage therapist. However, if you have any underlying health conditions or concerns, it is important to consult your physician before receiving a tantric massage.

Tantric massage can help increase physical and emotional intimacy, reduce stress and anxiety, improve circulation and flexibility, increase sexual pleasure, and promote general well-being.

During a tantric massage session, you will be asked to remove your clothes and lie down on a massage table. The therapist will use gentle, slow strokes to stimulate your energy centers and may incorporate breathing and meditation techniques.

After a tantric massage session, you may feel more relaxed and centered. It is important to drink plenty of water and rest to allow the body to fully integrate the experience.

With the lightest clothes possible and easy to take off, you should also take or already be dressed in bathing suits.

No, you do not need to have any previous experience with tantra or meditation to receive a tantric massage. Your massage therapist will guide you through the session and help you feel comfortable.