
Terapeuta Maia

Conheça Maia : Terapeuta de Massagem Tântrica – Um Caminho para a Plenitude e Autoconhecimento.

Com a missão de guiar seus clientes em uma jornada de plenitude e autoconhecimento, Maia é uma terapeuta de massagem tântrica que traz para o mundo uma abordagem amorosa e profunda no campo do bem-estar e da conexão humana.

Com um profundo entendimento do tantra e de suas técnicas terapêuticas, Maia acredita que o prazer, a sexualidade e a espiritualidade são aspectos intrinsecamente ligados à nossa existência e, quando equilibrados, trazem um senso de totalidade e realização.


Here are some frequently asked questions about tantric massages:

Although tantric massage can increase sexual pleasure and intimacy, this is not a sexual service. The massage therapist will maintain professional boundaries and will focus solely on your well-being during the session.

Yes, tantric massage is generally considered safe when performed by a qualified and experienced massage therapist. However, if you have any underlying health conditions or concerns, it is important to consult your physician before receiving a tantric massage.

Tantric massage can help increase physical and emotional intimacy, reduce stress and anxiety, improve circulation and flexibility, increase sexual pleasure, and promote general well-being.

During a tantric massage session, you will be asked to remove your clothes and lie down on a massage table. The therapist will use gentle, slow strokes to stimulate your energy centers and may incorporate breathing and meditation techniques.

After a tantric massage session, you may feel more relaxed and centered. It is important to drink plenty of water and rest to allow the body to fully integrate the experience.

With the lightest clothes possible and easy to take off, you should also take or already be dressed in bathing suits.

No, you do not need to have any previous experience with tantra or meditation to receive a tantric massage. Your massage therapist will guide you through the session and help you feel comfortable.