Tantric massage 4 hands

  • Lingam ou Yoni Massage
  • Soft Massage
  • Nuru Lust massage
  • Tantric massage 4 hands
  • Couple Massage

What is it?

The 4 hands massage is a massage technique in which two masseuses work together in harmony to provide an experience of deep relaxation. It is performed in a room with soft lighting and relaxing music to create a pleasant atmosphere and is suitable for people who want to experience a more intense and deep massage.

Four-hand massage can help improve blood circulation, increase flexibility and mobility, and promote an overall sense of well-being and balance. The four-hand massage technique can also help to release emotional tension, allowing clients to feel more connected with their body and mind.

Other masages


Four-hand massage is a technique in which two therapists work together in a single person, providing deep relaxation, improving blood circulation and reducing stress.


Meet our Therapists and make your appointment.


A Mel é uma jovem terapeuta doce e gentil, disposta a usar todo o seu conhecimento e ferramentas para satisfazer o cliente.


Sofia our most talented masseuse, with soft skin and sweetness.


Alessandro is a focused and very sensual man, always looking to offer his best.


A Sara é muito dedicada e tem a vantagem de ser fisioterapeuta, especialista em massagem facial .


A Terapeuta Maia é muito dedicada na terapia. Meiga e carinhosa, são os pontos fortes. Marque a massagem com a Maia.


Juh é uma guia experiente em jornadas de cura sensual e espiritual. Com uma abordagem holística e respeitosa, ela levará os seus clientes a um espaço de relaxamento


A nossa terapeuta Julia, com profunda dedicação e sensibilidade, oferece sessões individualizadas para atender às suas necessidades e desejos. Independentemente de seu gênero, orientação sexual ou origem.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the 4 hands massage:

4 Hand Massage is a massage technique where two therapists work together to provide a synchronized and harmonious massage experience. Therapists use their hands and arms to apply pressure and manipulate the recipient's muscles.

The aim of the 4-hand massage is to provide a more complete and deeper massage experience, with a feeling of relaxation and relief from muscle tension.

The 4-hand massage can increase blood circulation, relieve muscle tension, improve posture, increase flexibility, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote an overall sense of well-being.

Although the 4-hand massage can be performed on anyone, it may not be suitable for everyone, especially those who don't like many hands touching their body simultaneously. 

The main difference between 4-hand massage and traditional massage is that the former is performed by two therapists who work in sync, while the latter is performed by a single therapist. Additionally, 4-hand massage often includes more advanced techniques, such as pressure and more intense manipulation, than traditional massage.

No, you don't need massage experience to enjoy the 4-hand massage. In fact, many people who are new to massage find the 4-hand massage experience extremely relaxing and pleasurable.

É importante comunicar ao terapeuta quaisquer preocupações ou desconfortos durante a massagem.