Vice Versa Massage

  • Lingam ou Yoni Massage
  • Soft Massage
  • Nuru Lust massage
  • Tantric massage 4 hands
  • Couple Massage

What is it?

Vice Versa Massage is a massage technique in which two people participate simultaneously. Instead of one person massaging the other and vice versa, both people switch roles, alternating between being the receiver and the giver of the massage.

People usually start the Vice Versa Massage with a brief stretching and breathing session to relax and prepare for the massage. Then one person takes the receiver position while the other person begins the massage. The massage can be applied with the hands, elbows, knees or feet, depending on the preferences of the person giving the massage.

As with any massage technique, it is important to be careful and follow the proper guidelines to avoid injury or discomfort. 

During the massage, it is important that the person receiving the massage gives constant feedback to the therapist, letting them know if the pressure is too strong or too weak, if there is any sore spot or discomfort. The therapist can also ask for feedback to make sure they are applying the right pressure and working in the right places on the body.

Other masages


In addition to being an enjoyable way to connect with another person, Vice Versa Massage can help relieve muscle tension, reduce stress and anxiety, improve blood circulation and stimulate the lymphatic system.


Meet our Therapists and make your appointment.


A Mel é uma jovem terapeuta doce e gentil, disposta a usar todo o seu conhecimento e ferramentas para satisfazer o cliente.


Sofia our most talented masseuse, with soft skin and sweetness.


Alessandro is a focused and very sensual man, always looking to offer his best.


A Sara é muito dedicada e tem a vantagem de ser fisioterapeuta, especialista em massagem facial .


A Terapeuta Maia é muito dedicada na terapia. Meiga e carinhosa, são os pontos fortes. Marque a massagem com a Maia.


Juh é uma guia experiente em jornadas de cura sensual e espiritual. Com uma abordagem holística e respeitosa, ela levará os seus clientes a um espaço de relaxamento


A nossa terapeuta Julia, com profunda dedicação e sensibilidade, oferece sessões individualizadas para atender às suas necessidades e desejos. Independentemente de seu gênero, orientação sexual ou origem.


Here are some frequently asked questions about vice versa massages:

Vice versa massage can help relieve muscle tension, improve blood circulation, reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep quality, and promote a general sense of well-being.

Not necessarily. The client can decide how much clothing they want to remove for the massage session, and the masseur will usually cover the receiver's body with a towel or sheet during the session to ensure maximum comfort and privacy.

The massage should be comfortable for the recipient and not painful. It is important that the receiver communicates to the masseur if there is any discomfort or pain during the session so that the masseur can adjust the pressure and technique.

The time may vary according to the client's preference and the availability of the masseur. Typically, sessions last between 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Yes, it is important to schedule a massage session in advance to ensure that appointments are available for both the massage therapist and the recipient.

Sim, há algumas condições médicas em que a massagem pode não ser recomendada, como doenças de pele, inflamações agudas, febre, doenças infecciosas, problemas circulatórios graves, coágulos sanguíneos, e algumas outras condições médicas. 

Massage by one person and one masseur can include techniques from Swedish massage, which is one of the most popular massage techniques, but the main difference is that only one masseur works on the receiver's body during the session instead of two. In addition, the massage therapist can customize the technique according to the needs of the recipient and there is no standard formula or routine that is followed in all sessions.