Couple Massage

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  • Soft Massage
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  • Couple Massage

What is it?

Couples massage is a massage technique in which two masseurs perform simultaneous massages on each of the partners. During the massage, the therapists work in unison to help relax the muscles and relieve tension, thus creating an atmosphere of intimacy and connection between the couple. Couples massage can be tailored to each partner's individual needs and can include elements of other massage techniques.

Couples massage is known to be an effective way to improve intimacy and communication between partners. By getting a massage together, partners can feel more connected with each other, which can lead to greater understanding and strengthening of the relationship.

Other masages


Couples massage can help relieve stress and anxiety, improve blood circulation and reduce muscle tension. It can also help increase flexibility and mobility, promote a general sense of well-being, and stimulate sexuality.


Meet our Therapists and make your appointment.


A Mel é uma jovem terapeuta doce e gentil, disposta a usar todo o seu conhecimento e ferramentas para satisfazer o cliente.


Sofia our most talented masseuse, with soft skin and sweetness.


Alessandro is a focused and very sensual man, always looking to offer his best.


A Sara é muito dedicada e tem a vantagem de ser fisioterapeuta, especialista em massagem facial .


A Terapeuta Maia é muito dedicada na terapia. Meiga e carinhosa, são os pontos fortes. Marque a massagem com a Maia.


Juh é uma guia experiente em jornadas de cura sensual e espiritual. Com uma abordagem holística e respeitosa, ela levará os seus clientes a um espaço de relaxamento


A nossa terapeuta Julia, com profunda dedicação e sensibilidade, oferece sessões individualizadas para atender às suas necessidades e desejos. Independentemente de seu gênero, orientação sexual ou origem.


Here are some frequently asked questions about couples massage:

Couples massage is an experience where two people receive simultaneous massages in a room or peaceful environment. The aim is to promote relaxation and connection between partners, allowing them to enjoy a relaxing and pleasant experience together.

There are several types of couples massage, including Swedish massage, Thai massage, hot stone massage, aromatherapy massage and oil massage.

The benefits of a couple's massage include: reduced stress, relief from muscle tension, increased blood circulation, increased connection and intimacy between the couple, and an overall sense of well-being.

The purpose of a couple's massage is to provide a moment of relaxation and connection between the couple, improve blood circulation, reduce muscle tension, relieve stress and promote a general sense of well-being.

Couples massage sessions usually last from 60 to 90 minutes.

Not necessarily. The couple can choose the option they feel most comfortable with, either being dressed or wearing only underwear.

The couple can choose to wear comfortable and loose clothing, or wear underwear, depending on their preference.